Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Help get my stolen phone

Cell phone are not only communicating gadgets but they have turned out to be a source of leisure from playing games, taking photos and even listening to music. Cell phones sometime play a role more in style and fashion. All this has shown that cell phones have become part of our lives and we can not afford to stay with out them.

When you buy a cell phone, write the serial number of the phone down. This number is located under the battery behind the phone. By doing so, you avoid the panic of trying to locate for the manual book after your phone has been lost. The serial number will be used by the service provider or any tracking company to identify your phone.

The make and the model number are also important to note down. By knowing the type of make and model of the phone the tracking company will be able to establish which codes to use as different phones use different codes.
If you happen to call your number and find out that the thief is still using your number. It would be better to tell him that you know where to get him even if you might not know for sure his where about. It would be very easy to trace any stolen phone if you report early enough to the police, your service provider and the tracking company. Keeping the cell phone thief talking assures you that he is somewhere around the corner and getting him would be very easy.


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