Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sms that would send a help message

Tracking software are designed o send short messages every thirty minutes if the sim card of a phone is replaced. If you happened to be in trouble and there was no way you could make a phone call either because the cell phone has a low charge or the circumstance you were in couldn’t allow. You can trigger the mobile tracking software to send a sms to the person you wish to come to you aid. This is possible by changing the sim card in your phone. The person who will receive the sms will with immediate effect and this would alert him that something is wrong. With the number sent by the tracking software, the network service provider can be in a position get the location from where the alert signal came from. Using this information the sms source can be traced and by any chance if the person may happen to be in trouble, it would be possible to rescue the situation.
It would also be possible to locate your kids in a situation where they may be kidnapped or may have gone for a trip and yet no answer has been heard fro them.
Tracked cell phones can also be used to track car jerked vehicles if the phone happened to be in the stolen car.
Setting up your phone with a mobile phone tracking software can be of great help rather than having to think of your lost information in the cell phone or stolen car with your phone in it.

Read more on this mobile phone tracking software


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