Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Lost my Phone!! What do I do?

This is a question many people ask themselves especially after losing their phones. Cell phones get lost every day. The major way in which people lose their cell phone is through carelessness. But there has been an increase in the thefts of mobile phones. With the global economic melt down, people have to look for ways to put food on their tables. This is why they will opt for social evils like thefts and muggings.

So after losing your phone, you can go and report the matter to the police. You will record a statement and then they will know what to do. You can then report the issue to your mobile service provider. If you have the serial number of your phone, you can give it to them so that they will block their phone.

But that is not want you would like to hear! What you want is your phone back! Well good news but it’s a little bit too late (unless you haven’t yet lost your phone)! It is possible for you to get back your lost cell phone.

A mobile tracking device has been introduced that will help you locate and keep track of your cell phone wherever it goes. All you have to do is to install the tracking software on to your phone. One of the important things you have to input is the number of someone you meet regularly or someone you live with or trust. Make sure you inform them that you have used their cell phone number. This is because as soon as you lose your cell phone and anyone (and I mean anyone including if you change the sim card that has been used to that phone) changes your sim card, the information of the new sim card, including the number will be sent to that person you had registered. In this way you will be able to call the person with your phone and tell them the phone is not their. Even if the person sells the phone to a 3rd and 4th party, you will get a text message of their details.

So get this software on your phone immediately!!!

Read more about this here


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